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"My doctor had just told me I had viral bronchitis.  It was the first day of my planned vacation.  My symptoms were at their peak, and I was miserable.  The doctor said to expect it to last about 10 days, so I was envisioning a disappointingly less-than-refreshing time off.


The next day though, Daphne worked some Matrix Energetics magic on me. My symptoms shrank dramatically.  After a second treatment, the following day, I felt completely fine and had a wonderful, exhilarating rest of my vacation—riding bicycles, running, swimming and playing in the ocean.  I feel so blessed to have had Daphne's loving help and am very grateful for her skill."   ~ WS, Community Organizer


"I was happily surprised by the profound impact of the work provided by Daphne the first time I lay on her table. Her gentle manner and spacious, present way of being, combined with her lovely treatment space amidst peaceful gardens and pastures, allowed me to easily float to a place of revitalizing relaxation I found unusual in an hour session.  I found this session with Daphne to be the first of many that seemed to reach places that other work did not.  The ripples of her work spread well beyond the session into the days and weeks that followed. I would recommend this practitioner to anyone looking to settle into a greater sense of balance, peace and health."  

~  JD, Consultant and Life Coach


"In working with Daphne over the phone, I was able to move past my writer's block with ease.  I reached out to her again when I broke my leg and found the anticipated healing time much reduced."  

~ CB, Retired Teacher



"I found one hour of Focusing more effective than two years of therapy."  ~ SW, Teacher


"As a catalyst of healing, Daphne is an embodiment of the Shekinah . . . the divine feminine."     ~ EM, Psychologist

 "I couldn’t believe that being touched gently in five or six places would bring relief but it did.  Over the next two hours, my back pain disappeared.  When it does recur, a quick Matrix two-point helps every time.  This is ten times better than cortisone shots!"   MB, Custodian 





Daphne Bye 2015

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